And you know this video is filled with language that is NSFW. It's Samuel L. Jackson!
What he left out is, Jon Snow ain't dead, but Ramsey Bolton (and his relationship with Sansa) is. #Dogfood And together, along with the Wildlings, they are going after the Iron Throne. Of course, everyone is.
Danny is also on her way across the water with an army, the dragons, and Tyrion to take their shot at King's Landing which is currently in a state of turmoil because Cersei dropped a fire bomb on pretty much everyone who mattered (now it's basically just her in charge and Jaime trying to figure out what to do about it).
And yes, winter is coming and the White Walkers are ready to get down with everyone in Westeros.
Can't wait till 9pm on Sunday. It's going to be a fun last two seasons of Game of Thrones!